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Singing Auditions! Note: this is the final part of the Audition Tips Spiral. Look here for Part One of this guide to doing your best in an audition: Singing Auditions - Audition Tips Spiral
Day Of Audition
On the day of an audition, when you wake up in the morning, think about what you have visualized.
Read here to be reminded about how to use visualization effectively:
Use Visualization!
Go through that process once again. SEE and FEEL the audition happening in your mind.
As you go through your day, stay as quiet as possible. Warm up two or three times for 15 minutes or so. And sing through your songs once or twice during the day – paying attention to those phrases that may be the most challenging.
Instead, work on the words in your head. Sing through the songs in your head and save your voice for the real audition.
If you are standing in line waiting with many other singers, be friendly, but don’t waste your voice or your concentration on chatter. Save your voice and your creative energy for the audition.
Just Before the Singing Audition
When you know that your turn to do the audition is coming up soon, try to find a place in the waiting room where you can be alone. If you cannot do that, simply close your eyes. Shut out the surrounding noise and concentrate on your breath. Take several deep, full breaths.
If you feel stiff - walk around while taking those deep breaths. Feel your energy moving. And consider using a "mantra" (a few words that sum up your purpose for doing this audition.) OR compose and recite a few words that will get you into the right state of mind to perform.
If you are a very nervous performer, you might say to yourself, "Have Fun!" or "I'm living my dream!"
Here's a mantra that I often use:"The Present Is The Point Of Power."
Read more about the 7 Points Of Power for Singers here: The Seven Points Of Power
The Singing Audition Begins
Keep in mind that while you do want to impress your judges with your abilities - it is through your powers of expression that this goal is achieved. So aim for great expression in order to make yourself memorable.
The judges need you and you need them. Be courteous and respectful. Show that you respect the art of singing, too. If you have done your homework, they will see and hear your talent shine through, even if you are not a "winner" in this audition.
Judges will remember you. You are building a reputation. Make every audition count.
Post Mortem
After your audition... first, celebrate! Enjoy yourself. Relax.Then ask yourself 3 questions:
1. Did I do my best?
2. If not, why not?
3. How can I prepare better for the next audition?
Spend some time writing your thoughts down. Tell yourself about all the things that went both right and wrong.
Then look again at the Audition Spiral - Audition Tips that Build Confidence and decide which areas need more work.
Singing Audition Spiral - Tips to Gain Confidence in Auditions
And start planning your next audition or performance.
I wish you great singing!
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